May is Better Hearing Month

Can you believe it's already May? Where has the year gone? Better Hearing Month has been celebrated across America each May since 1927. It aims to raise awareness about hearing loss and treatments and promotes high quality hearing health. Treating hearing loss can dramatically improve life quality not only for persons with hearing difficulties, but

Untreated Hearing Loss & Family Gatherings

Holiday family gatherings are a time when it can become evident that someone has trouble hearing. A family member with untreated haring loss may feel forced to choose between not understanding conversations or not participating in celebrations at all. Family members may notice typical signs of hearing loss such as: Needing the television volume loud.

Hear, Hear! Prevention is Still the Best Cure!

Following these H.E.A.R. strategies will help prevent hearing damage due to loud noise exposure: Hold Yourself Accountable: It's all about education and action. Like most preventative health measures, you are in the best position to ensure that you practice behaviors that support healthy hearing for yourself and your family. Evaluate Your Surroundings: If you are

Hearing Problems Can Strain Your Brain

Untreated hearing loss is a contributing factor in the development of dementia. Researchers have not only found strong correlations between the two, but they also believe that treating hearing loss early, staying mentally active, and maintaining strong social connections all can help lower risks of cognitive decline. Untreated hearing loss burdens cognitive functioning. The less

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